Who We Serve
Wisconsin Dyslexia Tutoring for Students & Adults

Preschool and Kindergarten
Preparing to read is the most important learning task for preschool age children. Yet a certain percent of children miss this critical development phase and are at risk for reading failure. Early screening can identify children at risk for dyslexia by assessing their pre reading skills. We can help you to determine if your child is developing pre reading skills to prepare him or her for school success. Preventive instruction can boost a child’s phonemic awareness and language skills, preparing them for the classroom.

Grades 1-3
Children who are at risk for dyslexia will experience difficulty with school tasks in first grade, yet often mask the problem by using memory skills and participating in classroom activities. This is a critically important time for identification and correction of deficits in language processing. Demands of schoolwork are still at a manageable level for a child who is challenged, yet motivated. Several signs of reading difficulty are easily recognizable at this age, and assessment can show a student’s current ability relative to grade level peers.

Grades 4-6
If unremediated, reading challenges become a significant barrier by 4th grade. School assignments now require significantly more reading with higher level vocabulary and more complex language tasks. Frustration can derail a young student. Slow and inaccurate reading, poor comprehension and spelling errors set the struggling student apart from classmates. It is often at this point that intervention becomes necessary. Appropriate identification of reading problems and targeted multisensory instruction can help the student to correct skill gaps and attain peer level performance.

Middle School
Identification of a reading disorder and delivery of remedial instruction become more difficult as students age. Accumulated frustration and failures lead to poor self esteem and avoidance of schoolwork. An intensive course of instruction is necessary to prevent academic failure and attain a sense of achievement and optimism for the student.

Grades 9-12
The student who struggles with reading in high school has already experienced much frustration and failure. Before any more time passes, this student must receive intensive, focused instruction to build language skills and address core deficits. This must begin with an assessment of the student’s abilities and level of knowledge. Instruction then can be tailored to the most crucial areas of need.
Most classroom teachers are unprepared to take on this work. By high school, it is expected that the student has sufficient reading ability to address subject matter material. Core skills of reading are outside the high school teacher’s expertise. For the student to succeed now, a highly trained specialist must be employed to develop a specific instructional plan and deliver intensive multi sensory instruction.
Dyslexia Achievement Center can help your high school student to read, write, spell and manage peer level work. Our skilled, trained staff of Certified dyslexia interventionists are experienced in guiding students toward improved skills, whatever the age of the student. It can be done, but there is no time to waste!

Students who have reached college age without reading and writing skills face enormous challenges. At the college level, workload is increased while support is decreased. Each student is expected to perform independently, achieving homework, assignments and grades on their own. For the privilege of higher education, students or their families pay tuition and related costs, expecting this investment to ensure a successful future. A struggling student’s anxiety tends to rise with expectations! Motivated students may attempt to “power through” this stressful period, but without well developed reading and writing skills, most will falter and many will fail or withdraw.
A knowledgeable and supportive instructor can make the difference for a struggling college student. At the Dyslexia Achievement Center, we assist many such students. First and foremost, we provide skilled, individualized instruction in core skills of reading and writing. We can evaluate the student’s work to pinpoint other deficit areas which can then be addressed along with the core skills. Goals for this work include developing foundational ability and correcting skill gaps. Additionally, proficient instruction can foster advanced level skills to match college level requirements. Flexible scheduling can be arranged to accommodate the student’s class schedule.

Many adults in our society have gone through life not knowing what causes their learning challenges. Besides difficulty with reading, writing, spelling and education in general, adults with dyslexia often have acquired coping mechanisms which may help or hinder them in society. Anxiety, poor self-esteem and stress are common, along with difficulty in communication and social interaction.
In the workplace, adults with dyslexia experience barriers to information such as job training, operational procedures and safety guidelines. These barriers impede performance, opportunity and advancement. Though adults with dyslexia are protected under the law, many are reluctant to reveal their disability to their employers.
It is never too late to learn! High quality instruction can help every reading challenged adult to build skills and improve their potential for employment or advancement. For instruction to succeed, it is essential that the student be taught language structure by a thoroughly trained and supportive expert using evidence-based methods and materials. Adults have neither time nor money to waste; the teaching must be focused, efficient and effective!
Many adults have found the Dyslexia Achievement Center to be the helpful and supportive place they have been looking for. We offer a comfortable, confidential, professional environment for upgrading skills. Flexible scheduling, easy access and affordability help to ensure all goes smoothly. Adults understand that skills pay the bills; we can help to build those skills and ensure a productive future.