Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great summer so far! It’s hard to believe we are already almost halfway through July. My name is Maggie, and I am the UW – Madison AHEC CHIP (Community Health Internship Program) Intern for the summer! I have been interning at DAC since the first week of June, and I have learned so much from the amazing people here.

I am currently in my undergrad at Alverno College, graduating in December with a degree in Public Health with a focus in Health Science and Community Engagement. I am planning on going to graduate school, and being at DAC has opened my eyes to multiple career paths. I have observed and worked with Occupational Therapists, Reading Interventionists, Speech Therapists, and many more. I have also learned a lot about policies and advocacy efforts related to dyslexia and other disabilities that affect the educational journeys of many. Most of my Public Health experience has been in clinical settings, so seeing this completely different side of Public Health has been extremely eye opening and rewarding towards my professional development. I have loved being a part of developing new activities for the Reading group on Mondays and creating new materials for DAC that help with our community outreach.

I am extremely grateful that I was placed at Dyslexia Achievement Center this summer and it has been such a great experience so far learning about an extremely important part of Public Health!